Payment Resource
Payment resources are read-only by default. Please contact us if you need write permissions.
Payment Categories
Payment category | English | German |
cod | Cash on delivery | Bezahlung bei Lieferung |
custom | Custom | Eigene Zahlart |
bank_deposit | Bank deposit | Vorkasse |
invoice | Invoice | Rechnung |
money_order | Money order | Lastschrift |
cc | Credit card | Kreditkarte |
paypal | PayPal | PayPal |
sofortueberweisung | sofortü | Sofortü |
directebanking | sofortü | Sofortü |
qpay | Q-Pay | Q-Pay |
data_trans | DataTrans | DataTrans |
vc_paymill_bridge | PAYMILL Bridge (payment form) | PAYMILL Bridge (Zahlungsformular) |
bit_pay | Bitpay | Bitpay |
Get Payments
GET /api/payments.json
- GET /api/payments.json will return the first 150 (default limit) payments. You can increase the limit to a maximum of 250 payments.
- GET /api/orders/:order_id/payments.json is also possible.
$ curl -s \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -u APP_API_KEY:APP_API_PASSWORD \ -X GET \
Status: 200 OK [ { "payment": { "amount": "8152.3", "captured_at": null, "category": "cod", "comment": "", "created_at": "2013-09-15T08:21:01+02:00", "currency": null, "id": 100, "is_captured": false, "order_code": "213-884-358", "order_id": 1000, "trans_id": null, "captureable": false } }, { "payment": { "amount": "10.0", "captured_at": null, "category": "money_transfer", "comment": "A comment ...", "created_at": "2013-10-15T11:22:02+02:00", "currency": null, "id": 101, "is_captured": false, "order_code": "214-148-020", "order_id": 1001, "trans_id": null, "captureable": false } }, { "payment": { "amount": "17.4", "captured_at": null, "category": "direct_debit", "comment": "", "created_at": "2013-10-15T11:22:23+02:00", "currency": null, "id": 102, "is_captured": false, "order_code": "214-148-020", "order_id": 1001, "trans_id": null, "captureable": false } } ]
Get Payments Count
GET /api/payments/:payment_id.json
- GET /api/payments/:payment_id.json will return the specified payment.
- GET /api/orders/:order_id/payments/:payment_id.json is also possible.
$ curl -s \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -u APP_API_KEY:APP_API_PASSWORD \ -X GET \
Status: 200 OK { "payment": { "amount": "8152.3", "captured_at": null, "category": "cod", "comment": "", "created_at": "2013-09-15T08:21:01+02:00", "currency": null, "id": 100, "is_captured": false, "order_code": "213-884-358", "order_id": 1000, "trans_id": null, "captureable": false } }